I had a good swim, exiting the water first. I led for a few miles and then got caught and paced 20 meters back until a crack in the asphalt brought me down. I must know how to fall, because I have very little road rash to speak of. Even my awesome Kiwami Kameleon suit is not torn! I was bleeding a little on the run, but was able to hold 5:38's on the 7 mile run to win by 26 seconds.
Here is an article: http://www.meridianstar.com/sports/local_story_206234215.html?keyword=secondarystory
It is very exciting to add my name to the winner's list of such a classic event. Next on the schedule is PumpkinMan in Maine in Mid september. Prior to that I will have a 2 week training camp in Florida, where I have been for the past couple of days.
I am at my fiancee's parent's lovely home. It is absolutely awesome being here, and I could not ask for better future parent's in law.
Will post an update from the camp in a couple of days.