
More Scott Plasma

I know, I know....it's all I have been posting about lately. I can't help myself. Besides, I have't posted an image of the new ride with the race wheelset yet. I will alternate between the rear disc and the rear 68mm, but always running the 68mm up front. Edge Composites laced them with a low spoke count to DT Swiss 190 Ceramic hubs, so I am confident it will be a speedy combination on the asphalt. I apologize for the low quality photo, but my iPhone's camera is not a Nikon (yet).

A week from now I will be in Providence, RI, getting a bike position fit, as well as my running gait and motion videotaped and improved by Todd Kenyon of TTBikeFit.com. I am pretty excited about it and I am sure it will be a tremendous help in making 2010 the kind of season I want it to be.

My race plans are nearly finalized, also, with a few exceptions. I know for certain I will return to the Coliseum Rock N' Roll Half Ironman for the 5th or 6th year in a row. I also decided that I will be using running races as a pre-season race regimen and am hopeful it will be the difference I want it to make.

Soon I will be revealing my 2010 partners and sponsors. Some old names, some new ones, but I am excited about all of them. The new season is shaping up to be a great one and I am looking forward to giving it my best once again.

I will hopefully have some video to add shortly as well.