
'Off' Season

I am trying some new this year: no real down time. My schedule with Law School was a little crazy this semester, so I took the opportunity to try something different and new.

I usually took 2-3 weeks completely off during this time of the year, then slowly built back up. This time I will instead train through, Greg Welch style. I won't be doing a typical slow, base period. I will maintain interval work as part of my schedule, and am also trying something else new. Weights. I have been against them in the past, but after doing some research I found out it is a vital part of many top end guys ( namely Crowie), and if it worked for him ( hey, you cannot argue with an Ironman World Championship) it may work for myself as well.

So there you have it. if I am burned out by May, you will know why! :-) I am of course just kidding ( sort of), as i will make other adaptations so as to not be a January star: burning bright early on, but dull in the summer, when things really heat up so to speak.

I have also scheduled a training camp in sunny, beautiful, warm Florida for Dec. 19 - Jan 11, which will likely end with an Olympic Distance race, on the very last day of the trip.