
FL 7 week-trip - Update 1

The first 2 of 7 weeks I'll be spending in FL have gone by quite fast. Last weekend I raced the Crystal River Triathlon on saturday and on Sunday I raced the Melon Run 5k, a very competitive local run race.

I am very pleased to say I won the Crystal River Triathlon. I had not been to that event since I moved away from FL in mid-2007 and was thrilled to be back. I had plenty of competition to keep me honest and was unsure about my chances to pull off a win until well into the run. I just love how competitive these FL races are!

Still sore from the race I ran a local 5k the next morning, finishing 6th. I ran with the lead group for the better part of the first mile, but they were simply going too fast for my tired legs. I got dropped on the first hill (winner averaged 4:545/mile) so I had to settle for running alone between the 1st and 2nd groups. I blew up a bit at the end, and ended up running a 16:49. Given how tired I was from the previous day, I can't say I was too unhappy with it.

Tomorrow, I'll race another 5k, and next week, I'll be racing again. Just not sure where. There are so many races in FL in the summer!